Aligma has cast its net far and wide to capitalise on the tremendous potential of Microalgae.
Incorporated in Singapore in 2022, Aligma operations span Singapore, Indonesia, and the entirety of the European region. We are a supplier of Spirulina Microalgae for bio-fertiliser, animal/fish feed, F&B products, and health supplements.
There is a continuous growing strain on food security. A pressing concern is that the production of nutritious food is becoming more uncertain unless drastic changes are made in how we produce our food. However, Spirulina Microalgae presents a sustainable and high-quality alternative protein source. Highly nutritious and packed with 40+ vitamins & minerals, omega oils, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for human and animal consumption.
Globally the agricultural sector is addicted to chemical fossil fuel-derived fertilisers, which deteriorates the quality of the topsoil. This has increased global water impairment from the polluting runoffs, causing an overall environmental imbalance. This results in the obvious solution of using more fertilisers to achieve desired outcomes; thereby inducing a vicious circle. Microalgae can break this chain.
Microalgae decompose fast however, retains a long presence in the soil. It allows for a slow release and steady absorption of its nutrients by the plants/trees growing in the soil and promoting microbial activity in the soil, making it an ideal organic, non-toxic bio-fertiliser.
Microalgae can also solve one of the seemingly most impossible environmental problems, plastic pollution. Plastic is everywhere, and its use has become inevitable. Today, approximately 380 million tons of plastics are manufactured globally every year, and only 9% is being recycled. Of which, the remaining mostly ends up in the environment, uncontrolled.
By now, every human consumes 5 grams of microplastics every week. The problem is that using it cannot be avoided, nor can its damaging effects be compromised. Therefore, the solution lies in producing less toxic bioplastics for human and environmental health. Microalgae can form bioplastics that are relatively less toxic and have properties comparable to conventional plastics. Moreover, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable bioplastics can be synthesised from Microalgae. i.e. Nylon, Silicone, Polyester, PVC, Foam, Polypropylene, to name a few.
Aligma has invested in a research department to develop and enhance viable, cost-effective raw materials for these purposes, with a focus on environmentally friendly products.
We aim to operate facilities that "Capture and Convert" Microalgae into various bulk raw materials for numerous industries.